Do Deer Eat Peaches? (and How to PROTECT Your Trees)

I’m fascinated by deer, and one thing that always surprises me is their wide-ranging diet. For example, do deer eat peaches? Unfortunately, orchard owners across the country have reported significant crop damage from deer nibbling on their fruit trees. But don’t worry, with a little peachy protection, you can keep your trees safe.

Do Deer Eat Peaches?

Deer are known to consume a variety of foods, including fruits like peaches. While they are primarily herbivorous, deer have been observed eating a range of fruit-bearing plants, including apple, pear, and peach trees. In fact, many orchard owners have reported significant damage to their fruit crops as a result of deer foraging. A diet of fruit can provide deer with important nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, it is important to note that excessive consumption of fruit can also lead to health problems, such as diarrhea and digestive issues.

Overview of Deer Eating Habits & Damage to Peach Trees

Deer are well-known herbivores and mainly consume grass and corn; however, they also relish eating fruits like peaches. It’s not only amazing but also surprising to learn that deer feed on peach trees. Orchard owners report significant damage to their fruit crops due to deer browsing. Eating fruit can provide deer with essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

But excess fruit consumption can lead to detrimental health effects, such as diarrhea and digestive issues. Therefore, it’s essential to control deer from feeding on peach trees, to minimize the harm to the fruit crops.Peach tree damage is a big challenge for many orchard owners. Besides feeding directly on the fruits, deer also nibble on bark and rub their antlers against the trees, leaving rub marks and collapsing the trees. Knowing the feeding habits of deer concerning peaches is essential in devising effective control measures.

Methods to Protect Peach Trees from Deer

1. Fencing Protection

Fencing is an effective way to prevent deer from feeding on peach trees. You can choose from several options, including electric fencing, polytape, or polypropylene mesh. As long as deer can’t see on the other side, a 8 feet fence is enough to keep deer away from peach trees. However, for small orchards, installing polytape is a viable alternative to permanent fencing. You can easily install the polytape above or below the tree canopy to provide protection and avoid tree damage.

2. Deer Repellent Products

Deer repellents are products that deter deer from browsing on peach trees. These products work by emitting odors that confuse and irritate deer, making them avoid the area. To use them, you can make a solution, soak rags in it, and then hang the rags on trees. Alternatively, you can use convenient packaging like pouches or spray containers, which makes it easy to apply. Repellents are safe for the environment, have no harmful effects on wildlife, and are easy to use.

3. Companion Planting

Natural deterrents consist of various strategies that orchard owners can use to prevent deer damage on peach trees. One of the most effective methods is planting deer-resistant trees in your orchard, including apple, cherry, and persimmon. This will not only protect your peach trees, but it will also provide an alternative food source for deer.

Another prevention strategy is to plant thorny plants and shrubs around the orchard to deter deer.

4. Motion Sensor Sprinklers

If you’re looking for a more high-tech solution, motion sensor sprinklers can be an effective way to keep deer away. These devices spray water when motion is detected, which can startle deer and prevent them from coming back to the area.

5. Scare Tactics

Sometimes, all it takes to keep deer out of your garden is a little bit of fear. Scare tactics like wind chimes, shiny objects, and even a fake predator such as a fake coyote statue or owl decoy can work wonders in keeping deer away.

6. Preventative Measures to Take

If you’re planning to plant peach trees, you need to protect them from deer. You can begin by protecting the younger trees from deer damage by using tree shelters or plastic trunk wraps to keep the deer from nibbling on the bark. Removing any fallen fruit and keeping the area around the trees clear of any debris is also a critical preventative measure.

This will help to minimize the attraction of deer to the trees and thus reduce the extent of damage to fruit crops. In conclusion, deer feeding on peach trees requires a comprehensive wildlife management approach. By using the right control measures, including fencing, repellents, and natural deterrents, you can protect your peach trees from deer damage and maintain your crop.


What’s eating my peach tree’s fruit?

If you’re noticing missing peaches straight from the tree, it’s possible that wildlife is the culprit. Creatures like raccoons, squirrels, and deer are known to snack on fruit crops. To protect your peaches, consider using netting or a fencing system to keep unwanted visitors at bay.


So, do deer eat peaches? The answer is yes, they certainly do. While deer are primarily herbivores, they have no problem munching on fruit-bearing trees, including peach trees. This can be bad news for orchard owners and homeowners who want to enjoy a juicy peach harvest each year. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to protect your trees from these hungry creatures.

From installing physical barriers to using natural repellents, there are many methods out there for keeping deer away from your peaches. By taking the right steps, you can enjoy a bountiful peach harvest without worrying about deer devouring your trees. So go ahead, plant those peach trees and protect them with everything you’ve got. With a little effort, you’ll be enjoying sweet, succulent peaches in no time.

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