Do Deer Eat Pears? (and 7 Ways to Keep Trees SAFE)

Do deer eat pears? As a deer enthusiast, I’ve always been curious about their dietary preferences. In this blog post, I’ll dive into the topic and share tips to keep your pear trees safe from deer. If instead you want to plant pears to attract deer in your garden, then I have you covered as well!

Do Deer Eat Pears?

According to various sources, deer have been known to eat pears. However, their diet mainly consists of grasses, leaves, fruits, and nuts. Pears are not a primary food source for deer, but they may consume them if other food is scarce.

Pears are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which may be beneficial for deer’s nutrition in moderation. It is possible that in some cases, other factors such as location, accessibility, and proximity to other food sources may affect deer’s preference for pears. Further research is needed to determine the extent of deer’s pear consumption and its impact on their diet and behavior.

What Deer Typically Eat

Deer are not picky eaters, and they can consume a variety of foods, including plants, fruits, flowers, and crops. They generally eat plants, such as clover, alfalfa, soybeans, and corn. They enjoy fruits such as apples, crab-apples, and even ornamental trees. Aside from these, deer are also known to consume over 400 different food sources, which includes mushrooms, lichens, and ferns. Deer’s diets will often vary depending on the time of year and their geographic location.

How to Protect a Pear Trees from Deer

Pear trees are a delicious treat for many animals, and deer are no exception. If you’re looking for ways to keep deer away from your pear trees, here are some methods you can use:

Types of Pear Trees That Are Best For Deer

There are several different types of pear trees to choose from when planting for deer. Some of the most popular varieties include Bartlett, Kieffer, and Bradford pear trees. These types of pear trees have been known to be highly attractive to deer, making them an excellent choice for both hunting and wildlife management purposes.

Tips For Planting Pear Trees That Are Attractive To Deer

To attract deer, it’s important to plant pear trees in areas easily accessible to them, near their watering hole or bedding area. Healthy, well-cared for pear trees with high-quality fruit will better attract deer. To keep deer interested, planting different varieties of fruit trees is recommended for a diverse range of nutrients. It’s significant to have an understanding of deer’s behaviors and dietary habits to make informed decisions about which trees to plant and provide natural food sources. Ultimately, pear trees are just one option to lure deer and provide a natural food source for them.

Other Considerations For Planting Pear Trees For Wildlife

Aside from planting pear trees specifically as a food source for deer, there are other benefits to consider. Pear trees can provide cover and shelter for deer, especially during harsh weather conditions. Mature pear trees can also be used by deer as rubbing posts. When planting pear trees for wildlife, make sure to plant them in areas that are easily accessible for deer.

It is also important to take into account the timing of the planting. In general, it is best to plant pear trees in the fall or late winter, when they are dormant, to give them the best chance of survival. Additionally, it is important to protect young fruit trees from deer browsing. Deer can cause significant damage to young trees, so it is recommended to use fencing or other protective measures to keep them at bay.

Other Ways To Attract Deer To Your Property

While planting pear trees is a great way to attract deer to your property, it is not the only option. Clover and soybeans are also popular food sources for deer. Planting clover plots can provide a consistent food source for deer throughout the year.

As deer build up their fat reserves for winter, soybeans present a great food option during late summer or early fall. It’s worth noting, however, that due to soybeans’ high attraction to deer, they should be planted away from high traffic areas and easily accessible zones. Equally important for creating a suitable environment for deer is the provision of native grasses, water sources, and cover.

Overview of Other Strategies For Enticing Deer To Your Land

When it comes to attracting deer to your property, planting pear trees is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a plethora of other strategies that can be employed to entice these graceful animals to your land. One method is to create a water source such as a pond or stream.

Deer are drawn to water, especially during hot and dry weather. Another tactic is to seed the land with clover, a sweet and nutritious food source that these herbivores love. Another option is to strategically place salt licks around your property, as deer crave the minerals found in them.

  • Create a water source
  • Seed with clover
  • Strategically place salt licks


What are the foods that deer avoid?

Deer tend to avoid consuming plants with a strong and pungent odor, such as onions and garlic. Additionally, they are not fond of fruits with a soft texture and a sweet taste, like persimmons and pawpaws. It is advisable to avoid planting plants that are toxic or irritating to deer, as they can cause harm to them. Similarly, feeding deer can have negative consequences, attracting predators and spreading diseases.

Can food be left out for deer?

When it comes to feeding deer, leaving food outdoors can have serious negative consequences for these animals. By putting out food, you may be unknowingly attracting predators, which could threaten the safety of deer populations. Additionally, spreading disease is a serious risk when feeding deer, which could further harm these creatures and decrease their life expectancy.

Lastly, aggressive behavior among deer can also arise if you provide food, potentially resulting in injuries or worse. For this reason, it’s best to focus on planting vegetation that deer are less likely to munch on, and avoid planting toxic species like daffodils and yews. Lastly, providing fruit trees, such as apples and crabapples, may be a good way to support the deer without putting them in harm’s way.

What fruit is not consumed by deer?

Deer tend to avoid certain types of fruit, such as figs, persimmons, and pawpaws. These fruits may not be their preferred choice, so they are less likely to eat them. However, other fruits like apples and crabapples are a favorite among deer, as they are high in sugars and help them build up their fat reserves before winter. It is important to note that supplemental feeding of deer can pose risks, such as attracting predators and spreading diseases.


So, do deer eat pears? The answer is yes, but it’s not their go-to food. Pears may be consumed by deer if they’re in the mood for a sweet treat, or if there’s a scarcity of other food. While we can’t say for sure if deer prefer pears over other fruits, we do know that they can benefit from the fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in this juicy fruit.

If you’re looking to plant pear trees for wildlife, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the trees are accessible to deer and are located near other food sources. Additionally, consider planting a variety of trees to ensure that there’s always something for hungry deer to munch on. With a little bit of planning, you can provide a bountiful buffet of pears and other fruits for the deer in your area.

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