Do Deer Eat Wheat? A Sustainable Winter Food Plot Guide

As a passionate deer enthusiast, I’ve always been curious about their feeding habits. One question that has always intrigued me is, “Do deer eat wheat?” Today, I’ll be revealing the truth behind this topic and sharing a sustainable winter food plot guide.

Deer are known to be herbivores, and as such, they consume plant material mostly. Among these plants, wheat is a favorite of deer, as it provides them with much-needed nutrients. Deer will quickly plow into a wheat field because it’s a source of food for them. The damage caused by deer eating wheat can be a huge concern for farmers, especially during the growing season.

Do Deer Eat Wheat?

If you are a farmer or a hunter, you know that deer are a big fan of wheat. Deer will feed on wheat whenever they come across it and will plow through fields of the golden crop. The reason for this is simple – wheat is high in nutrients that deer need for their health and survival. However, this can pose a problem for farmers who are looking to grow wheat for human consumption, as deer can easily destroy crops, causing significant damage.

Scarcity of Preferred Foods

In the winter months, food can be scarce for deer, especially when their preferred food sources are not available. This can lead to serious problems for hunters, as it becomes difficult to attract deer to a particular area, making hunting near impossible. That’s why it’s essential to provide a food source that deer love, such as wheat. By creating a wheat food plot, you can ensure that deer have access to the food they need to survive.

Availability in Winter Months

One of the great things about wheat is that it’s available in the winter months when other food sources may be scarce. Deer love to feed on young, green wheat during the months of January, February, and March when fresh vegetation is hard to come by. Additionally, winter wheat is an excellent place to find sheds if you’re into shed hunting, making it a must-have for any serious hunter or wildlife enthusiast.

Nutritional Value and Benefits

Wheat is an excellent source of nutrition for deer, providing them with essential nutrients that they need for their survival. The crop contains high levels of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, which are key components of a healthy deer diet. Additionally, when deer feed on wheat, it can help prevent overgrazing and soil erosion, which can lead to improved environmental conditions. Overall, feeding wheat to deer is a win-win situation for both the deer and the environment alike.

Creating a Winter Wheat Food Plot for Deer

Creating a winter wheat food plot for deer is pretty straightforward and can make your hunting experience a lot better. To get started, you’ll need to prepare the plot by doing a soil test to determine the overall pH and nutrient levels of the soil.

In order to cultivate healthy and robust wheat, it’s paramount to determine the land’s composition and provide appropriate amounts of fertilizer and lime. Additionally, it’s crucial to pick a suitable area when planting that receives adequate light and moisture.

Preparing and Maintaining the Plot

Before jumping into the question of whether deer eat wheat or not, it is important to prepare and maintain your winter food plot properly. This means researching the best location for your plot, selecting the right seed mix, and ensuring proper soil pH levels. Don’t forget to also consider factors such as sunlight exposure and drainage. Once planted, make sure to maintain the plot with regular mowing and timely weed control. Taking the time to properly prepare and maintain your food plot can greatly increase the chances of a successful and sustainable yield.

Soil Preparation

One of the most crucial aspects of establishing a winter wheat food plot for deer is to prepare the soil in advance. First and foremost, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive soil analysis to determine the prevailing pH levels and nutrients to better understand the current condition of the soil.

Once the soil test results are out, one can put in the essential time, effort, and resources into improving soil health through an appropriate combination of food plot fertilizers and lime. This proactive approach will not only ensure the growth of healthy wheat but also offer desirable outcomes in terms of deer attraction.

Timing, Planting, Location

When it comes to planting your winter wheat, timing is everything. You’ll want to plant your wheat in the late summer or early fall to ensure that it has enough time to grow before winter hits. Additionally, you’ll want to pick a location that provides enough sunlight and moisture for your wheat to grow properly. If you’re unsure about where to plant your wheat, speak with your local agricultural extension agent for guidance.

Maintenance and Care

Maintaining and caring for your winter wheat food plot is crucial to its success. Make sure to regularly check for pests and weeds and deal with them appropriately. Additionally, ensure that your plot is receiving enough water and sunlight to encourage healthy growth. Overall, with the right care and maintenance, your winter wheat food plot will provide deer with the nutrition they need while helping to improve the environment.

Visuals to Illustrate the Process

Planning and creating a winter wheat food plot for deer requires a lot of work and effort, but with the right steps, it can be rewarding. A great way to explain the process is through visuals, such as photos or videos.

You could also consider using time-lapse photography to show the growth of the plants over time.Photos are also useful when illustrating the process. You may want to start with a before and after photo, so people can see the work involved in creating a successful food plot.

You could show a video of preparing the soil, planting the seeds, and maintaining the plot over time. Don’t forget to include interesting facts about wheat, such as its nutritional value and the benefits it provides to wildlife.

By showing the steps involved in soil preparation, timing, planting, maintenance, and care, people can easily understand the process and follow along. Ideally, you should have visuals from each step, so people can see the progress from start to finish.Videos are an excellent way to explain the whole process in just a few minutes.

Other Considerations

While preparing and maintaining a winter wheat food plot is essential, other considerations must be taken into account. These include potential problems such as overgrazing, competition with other wildlife, pest management, and available resources.

Overgrazing and Competition with Other Wildlife

Overgrazing is a common problem with deer and other wildlife. They can consume all available food sources, leaving nothing for other animals or future growing seasons. To mitigate this problem, it’s important to plant a food plot of an adequate size to provide enough food for the number of deer in your area. Also, consider planting different types of crops, such as clover or turnips, so there are other food options.

Suggestions for Mitigation

To mitigate potential crop damage from deer and other wildlife, a fence may be necessary. Another option would be planting multiple small plots in different areas to provide food in different locations. Lastly, crop rotation can also be useful, as deer may get accustomed to one food source and not return to that area in the future.

Pest Management Solutions

Pests such as rodents and insects can damage winter wheat crops. Proper pest management techniques, such as rotating crops, using natural predators, and applying pesticides sparingly can help mitigate the problem. However, it’s important to note that pesticides should only be used as a last resort, as they can be harmful to the environment.

Additional Resources

It’s essential to have the right resources available when planting winter wheat for deer. Resources such as a soil test, proper fertilizer, and planting equipment are necessary. You may also want to consult with a wildlife biologist or a local extension agent who can provide additional guidance and advice on planting winter wheat and other crops.


So, do deer really eat wheat? The answer is a resounding YES! These beautiful animals absolutely love wheat. It’s a great source of nutrition for them, packed with the right amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Plus, it’s filling enough to keep them satisfied and energized throughout the day.

If you’re planning on starting your own winter food plot, you can’t go wrong with planting a patch of wheat. Not only is it extremely attractive to deer, but it’s also a sustainable choice for your farm. Just make sure to take the necessary precautions to protect your fields during the growing season, and you’ll be rewarded with happy and healthy deer come winter. Happy planting!

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