Do Deer Eat Lantana? (Deer-Resistant Plants for Your Garden)

I was curious about the myth that deer avoid eating lantana, so I decided to investigate. Do deer eat lantana, or is it truly a deer-resistant plant? Let’s dive into the truth about deer-resistant plants and their effectiveness in your garden.

Do Deer Eat Lantana?

Lantana is a type of plant that deer are known to avoid eating whenever possible. While deer are known for eating a variety of plant species, they seem to have little interest in consuming lantana. This can make it a good option for individuals looking to grow a garden without having to worry about deer damage. However, it’s important to note that even plants that deer typically avoid can still be damaged by other pests or environmental factors.

Due to the texture of its rough green leaves and the scent of its small flower clusters, deer generally steer clear of lantana whenever possible. This makes it a good option for individuals looking to grow a garden that remains free from deer damage.

Perennials and Annuals for Deer Resistance

Deer can pose a significant challenge for gardeners, especially in areas where deer populations are high. Fortunately, there are many plants available that are known for their resistance to deer damage. When selecting plants for your garden, consider deer-resistant perennials and annuals, such as trees and shrubs. Some great options for deer-resistant trees and shrubs include boxwood, holly, and juniper, all of which have leaves with textures and scents that are unappealing to deer.

Trees and Shrubs

Boxwood, holly, and juniper are all excellent options for deer-resistant trees and shrubs. These plants have dense foliage and leaves that are tough and difficult for deer to digest. They also have a natural ability to resist insect and disease infestations, making them low-maintenance and long-lasting options for any garden.

Deer-Resistant Lantana Varieties

Not all lantana plants are created equal when it comes to deer resistance. While all lantana plants are relatively low on the list of options for deer to eat, there are varieties of lantana that are known to be more deer-resistant than others. One such variety is the Miss Huff Lantana, which produces bright orange and yellow blooms that are highly attractive to bees and butterflies but not to deer. Other deer-resistant varieties include White Lightning and Confetti.

Caring for Deer-Resistant Lantana

If you have decided to incorporate deer-resistant lantana into your garden, proper care and maintenance are key to ensuring that it thrives. This includes planting it in the right location, watering and fertilizing it correctly, and pruning it as needed.

Planting Lantana

When planting deer-resistant lantana, choose a location that receives full sun for at least six hours per day. Lantana prefers well-draining soil and can benefit from the addition of organic matter such as compost. Proper planting technique is also important to ensure that the plant establishes well and can tolerate dry conditions.

Watering and Fertilizing Lantana

While lantana is drought-resistant and can tolerate dry conditions, it does benefit from regular watering and fertilizing. Be sure to water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth, and fertilize with a balanced fertilizer at least once per year.

Pruning Lantana

Pruning is an important part of maintaining the health and appearance of your lantana plant. This can include deadheading spent blooms, shaping the plant to encourage bushy growth, and removing any damaged or diseased branches as necessary. Pruning is typically done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.

Protecting Lantana from Deer

While lantana is relatively deer-resistant, it’s still important to take steps to protect it from deer damage. This can include using deer-resistant fencing or using deer repellents such as sprays or granules. If you notice any signs of deer damage on your lantana, such as chewed or broken branches, be sure to take action right away to prevent further damage.

End-Of-Season Care

As the end of the growing season approaches, it’s important to perform some basic maintenance on your lantana plants to ensure they remain healthy and strong. You’ll want to remove any dead or dying foliage, as well as any spent flowers, to encourage new growth in the following year. This will also help prevent disease and pest infestations. Take care to avoid pruning back too much live growth, though, as this could weaken your plants and leave them vulnerable to cold weather.

Other Deer-Resistant Plants and Flowers

If you’re looking for more deer-resistant options for your garden, there are plenty of other plants and flowers to choose from. One such option is the snapdragon, which is known for its tall spikes of colorful blooms. These plants are easy to care for and will thrive in full sun to partial shade.

These plants are great for adding a pop of color to garden beds and containers.Finally, the floss flower is another great choice for gardeners looking to repel deer. These plants are known for their delicate, frilly flowers in shades of blue, pink, and white. They prefer full sun to partial shade and will thrive in well-draining soil.

These hardy plants bloom throughout the summer and fall, producing rounded clusters of brightly colored flowers. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil. Another option to consider is sweet alyssum, which produces tiny, fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, and purple.

They prefer full sun to partial shade and are easy to grow from seed. Another option to consider is the love-in-a-mist. These delicate plants are known for their ferny foliage and star-shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink, and white.Globe amaranth is also a great choice for gardeners looking to repel deer.

Another great choice is the angelonia, which features delicate flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white. These plants are great for attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.Poppies are also an excellent choice for gardeners looking to repel deer. These colorful plants come in a variety of shades, from bright reds and oranges to soft pinks and purples.


Snapdragons not only add a pop of color to your garden, but they are also a great deterrent for deer. These spiky-looking flowers come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them a versatile addition to any landscape. Plus, they are easy to care for and can withstand different weather conditions. Don’t be fooled by their delicate appearance, snapdragons can put up a defense against those pesky deer. So, if you’re looking for a plant that can beautify your garden while keeping deer at bay, snapdragons might just be the perfect pick.


Angelonia, also known as summer snapdragon, is a fantastic addition to your garden if you’re looking for deer-resistant plants. This vibrant and long-lasting plant produces tall spikes of colorful blooms throughout the summer months, making it a favorite among gardeners. It’s not just deer that stay away from angelonia, but rabbits, too! Plus, angelonia comes in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white, so you’re sure to find one that perfectly complements your garden aesthetic.


Poppies are not only beautiful and vibrant, but also surprisingly deer-resistant. These delicate blooms come in a variety of shades, from classic red to soft orange and even pink.

They’re also easy to care for, making them a great addition to any garden or landscape. Whether you’re planting them in borders, massing them along walkways, or using them to fill gaps in your landscaping, poppies are a versatile and reliable choice that will add color and charm to any space.


Love-in-a-Mist, also known as Nigella damascena, is a unique and stunning addition to any garden. Its delicate flowers and wispy foliage create a whimsical atmosphere that is sure to please. But let’s get to the real question: is it deer resistant? Luckily, the answer is yes! Love-in-a-Mist contains bitter-tasting compounds that repel deer from snacking on its leaves and flowers. Plus, its intricate foliage can be a pain for deer to navigate, making it less appealing. So go ahead and add Love-in-a-Mist to your garden, you can rest assured that it will be safe from pesky deer.

Globe Amaranth

Are you tired of deer nibbling away at your garden plants? If so, it’s time to consider incorporating some deer-resistant plants into your landscape. One such plant is the lovely Globe Amaranth. With its bright, candy-colored blooms and low-maintenance care requirements, it’s a great addition to any garden. Plus, deer tend to steer clear of this plant due to its slightly bitter taste. If you’re looking for a beautiful and practical solution to combat pesky deer, give Globe Amaranth a try!

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Alyssum, also known as Lobularia maritima, is one of the most deer-resistant plants out there. Its delicate white flowers emit a sweet fragrance that attracts beneficial insects like hoverflies and lacewings, which feed on damaging pests like aphids. It thrives in well-draining soil and is drought-tolerant, making it an excellent option for xeriscaping. Not only does Sweet Alyssum repel deer, but it also adds a lovely touch of elegance and charm to any garden or landscape design.

Floss Flower

If you’re looking for a dazzling addition to your garden that can also ward off any pesky deer, the floss flower is the perfect pick. This vibrant flower not only comes in a plethora of stunning colors, but it also releases a fragrance that deer can’t stand, ensuring your garden remains untouched. Not to mention, these beauties attract all sorts of beneficial pollinators, making them a win-win for any green thumb.

Spider Flower

If you’re looking for a deer-resistant plant with a unique look, the spider flower is worth considering. The plant gets its name from its distinct long, spiky flower clusters that resemble spiders. Luckily, these flowers are not a favorite of deer, so you can enjoy their striking appearance without fearing deer damage.

Spider flowers come in a variety of colors and can add an eye-catching element to any garden. They also attract bees and butterflies, making them an excellent choice for pollinator gardens.Another great feature of spider flowers is their low maintenance requirements. They thrive in well-drained soil and full sun but can tolerate partial shade.


Salvia is another deer-resistant plant that is a great addition to any garden. With over 900 species of salvia, you’re sure to find one that will fit your garden’s needs. Salvia’s flowers range in color from deep purples to vibrant pinks and reds, and the plant itself can grow up to 3 feet tall.

In addition to their stunning appearance, salvia is known for attracting beneficial insects like bees and butterflies while repelling deer. Salvia is a low maintenance plant that is easy to grow from seeds or cuttings. They prefer well-draining soil and full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

Tips for Preventing Deer Damage

In addition to planting deer-resistant plants like spider flowers and salvia, there are other ways to prevent deer damage in your garden. One of the best ways is to invest in a physical barrier, like a fence. A fence that is at least 8 feet tall can help keep deer out of your garden.

Another option is to use deer repellents that work by emitting an unpleasant odor, taste, or sound to deter deer from entering your garden. However, these repellents are not always effective and may require frequent reapplication. It’s also important to remember that deer are creatures of habit and will typically avoid plants that they have had a bad experience with.

Barriers and Repellents

While a fence is the most effective way to keep deer from entering your garden, it can also be expensive and not visually appealing. Another option that many gardeners swear by is using deer repellents. These can come in the form of sprays, granules, or electronic devices.

Repellents work by emitting an odor, taste, or sound that deer find unpleasant. Some common ingredients found in repellents include garlic, rotten eggs, and hot peppers. However, it’s important to note that not all repellents work for all gardeners.

Design Ideas Using Deer-Resistant Plants

When it comes to designing a garden with deer-resistant plants, the possibilities are endless. One idea is to create a pollinator garden using plants like salvia, butterfly weed, and yarrow. Another option is to create a garden bed using a combination of deer-resistant shrubs like boxwood and holly with colorful perennials like black-eyed susans and coneflowers.

If you have a lot of shade in your garden, there are plenty of deer-resistant plants that thrive in low-light conditions. Hostas, coral bells, and astilbe are all shade-loving plants that are resistant to deer damage.Overall, incorporating deer-resistant plants into your garden is an excellent way to enjoy beautiful plants without worrying about deer damage. By mixing up the plants in your garden and using repellents and fences when necessary, you can create a garden that is both visually stunning and free from deer damage.


So, do deer really stay away from lantana? The answer is a resounding yes! This colorful and fragrant plant seems to be one of the few that deer don’t have a taste for.

But before you rush to plant a whole bed of lantana, keep in mind that deer aren’t the only garden pests out there. From rabbits to squirrels to insects, there are plenty of other creatures that can damage your plants. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other deer-resistant plants out there to choose from.

So, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance garden that won’t attract unwanted herbivores, lantana is definitely worth considering. And if you want to take your garden game to the next level, do some research on other deer-resistant plants that can add color and fragrance to your outdoor space. Who knows, you might even become the envy of your neighborhood wildlife!

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