Do Deer Eat Black Eyed Susans? Tips to Prevent Deer Damage

I have always been fascinated by deer and their eating habits. Whenever I plant Black Eyed Susans in my garden, I wonder if the deer will avoid them or feast on them. So, do deer eat Black Eyed Susans? Let’s explore this question and find out tips to prevent deer damage in your yard.

Do Deer Eat Black Eyed Susans?

Black Eyed Susans are considered deer resistant, however, deer may eat them anyway! Deer may find the leaves on this plant palatable, especially if they don’t have any better food available. It is recommended that homeowners protect their Black Eyed Susans from deer by using physical barriers or repelling products that deter deer from coming into the garden. Alternatively, homeowners can opt to plant deer-resistant plants to avoid deer damage in their garden.

The below video shows a deer happily feeding on Black Eyed Susans.

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Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants Overview

When it comes to gardening, deer are often a huge concern for many homeowners. Deer can cause significant damage not only to plants but also to gardens and landscapes.

But don’t worry! Black-Eyed Susan plants are deer resistant, so it is quite rare for a deer munching on them. In addition, there are many deer-resistant perennials that you can consider planting. These deer-resistant plants have gained popularity over the years because of their distinctively unpleasant fragrance, taste, or texture, making them unappealing to the deer’s sensitive noses and mouths.

Black-Eyed Susan’s Growing Requirements

Before we dive into the list of deer-resistant perennials, let’s start by discussing the growing requirements of Black-Eyed Susan plants. Black-Eyed Susan is a perennial flowering plant that requires little to no maintenance, making them one of the easiest flowers to grow. They prefer full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil, making them perfect for gardens, borders, and meadows. Additionally, they are drought-tolerant, making them a great choice for hot, dry climates.

Other Deer-Resistant Perennials

Apart from Black-Eyed Susan plants, there are several other deer-resistant perennials that you can consider planting in your garden. Some of these plants include Agastache, Astilbe, Baptisia, Coreopsis, Coneflowers, and Lavender, among others. These perennials are known for their beautiful blooms, texture, and fragrance, which make them resistant to deer. If you’re planting several different types of deer-resistant flowers in your garden, you’ll create a stunning display that will add color and texture to your landscape.

Strategies for Keeping Deer Away from Your Garden

Here are the best methods to keep deer out of your property:

1. Build a Fence

Fencing your garden is the most effective method of keeping deer out. It’s not just any fence, though. Choose a fence that is at least 8 feet tall and has mesh grid openings of no more than 3 inches. Make sure you bury the fence at least a foot below ground to prevent deer from sneaking under it. And if you want to add an extra layer of security, install a 2-foot wide overhang at the top of the fence, which prevents deer from jumping over it.

2. Use Deer-Repellent Sprays

If you don’t want to spend money on building a fence, you can always use deer-repellent sprays. These sprays contain unpleasant scents and tastes that deer hate. Spray this on your plants once a week or after it rains to keep deer away. Just make sure you buy a spray that uses natural ingredients, as chemical-based sprays can be harmful to both deer and humans.

3. Plant Deer-Resistant Plants

One strategy that many homeowners use to deter deer from their garden is companion planting. Companion planting involves planting different species of plants together to help increase yield or repel unwanted pests such as deer.

Black-Eyed Susan plants are often damaged by deer and rabbits, but there are ways to protect them. You can choose to plant companion plants like marigolds, mint, and geraniums, which can deter deer. Alternatively, you can construct physical barriers or use rabbit repellents to prevent damage. Another option is to plant vegetation that is unappealing to rabbits, and opting for deer-resistant perennials can help too. By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy the beauty of Black-Eyed Susan plants in your garden without worrying about animal damage.

4. Create Obstacles

If you’re not up for fence-building, you can create obstacles that make it difficult for deer to enter your yard. Install motion-activated sprinklers to scare them or put up chicken wire around your plants. Scatter bars of soap around your garden, as deer hate the strong scent of soap. You can also hang shiny objects, like old CDs, to disorient the deer.

5. Use Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit a high-pitched noise that is unpleasant to deer (while still inaudible to humans). These devices can be placed throughout your garden and are effective at keeping deer away without harming them. They are solar-powered and relatively low-maintenance.

Additional Tips for a Deer-Resistant Garden

If you want to keep your garden deer-free or limit the damage that deer can do to your plants, here are more tips to consider:

Container Gardening

Luckily, container gardening can be a great option for keeping deer away from your beloved Black Eyed Susans. By growing them in pots or containers, you have better control over the location of your plants and can easily move them as needed.When choosing containers, make sure they are large enough to accomodate the needs of the Black Eyed Susans.

Remember that they can grow up to three feet in height and require adequate soil and drainage. To keep the plants healthy and thriving, use a high-quality potting mix and be sure to fertilize regularly.In addition to the practical benefits, container gardening can also add aesthetic value and versatility to your garden.

Keep the Garden Clean and Tidy

Deer are attracted to messy and overgrown gardens that provide plenty of hiding spots and access to food. To prevent deer from establishing their territory in your yard and munching on your Black Eyed Susans, it’s important to keep your garden clean and tidy.Start by removing any debris or clutter that could provide shelter for the animals.

This will help keep the plants healthy and avoid overcrowding, which can also attract deer. Regular watering is also important for maintaining the plants’ growth and overall health.By following these simple practices, you can help keep your Black Eyed Susans safe and thriving in your garden.

This includes piles of leaves, branches, and other organic matter that can accumulate in your garden. By keeping a neat and tidy space, you also reduce the risk of other garden pests and diseases from taking root. Additionally, it’s important to have a regular maintenance schedule for pruning and weeding.


So, do deer eat black eyed susans? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, despite those plants being deer resistant. These beautiful flowers are generally avoided by deer, however, if hungry, they will munch on them without hesitation.

Luckily, here are plenty of ways to protect your Black Eyed Susans and keep them safe from deer and other pesky critters that might want to make a meal out of your garden.

Whether you opt for physical barriers, repellent products or choose to plant deer-resistant species, there are plenty of options available to ensure your garden stays intact. So, go ahead and enjoy the beauty of Black Eyed Susans in your garden without worrying about deer damage. With the right precautions in place, you can keep your garden flourishing and your flowers thriving, no matter what type of wildlife might be lurking nearby.

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