Do Deer Eat Blueberries? Tips to Protect Your Plants

I’ve always been curious about whether deer really enjoy eating blueberries. As a nature lover and a deer enthusiast, I decided to do some research on the subject. In this post, I’ll share my findings and provide tips to protect your blueberry plants from deer if you’re a farmer or a gardener. So, do deer eat blueberries? Let’s find out.

Do Deer Eat Blueberries?

Deer are known to have a diverse diet that primarily consists of leaves, grasses, and herbs. While they may not intentionally seek out blueberries, they do consume them if they come across a patch during their wanderings in the woods. Blueberries make up a small portion of a deer’s diet and are consumed by accident rather than preference. However, blueberries provide essential nutrients to deer and serve as a valuable food source for them. Overall, deer do eat blueberries but not as a staple in their diet.

Deer can benefit from the nutrients in blueberries but they are not a staple food source. Blueberry plants can be damaged by deer, which can be concerning for gardeners. Although deer may enjoy blueberries, their presence can cause problems for those growing the plants.

Deer Feeding Habits

Deer just love a variety of foods! Their diet mainly consists of plants, but they also enjoy fruits, nuts, and some insects. It’s said that a deer’s feeding habits can change based on the seasons and available food sources. However, when it comes to blueberries, they seem to have a special craving for them, which can put your garden at risk. So, it’s best to learn some tips on how to protect your plants and keep the deer away!

How to Protect Blueberry Plants from Deer

Protecting your blueberry plants from deer is essential to ensure their growth and longevity. Here are some of the ways you can protect your blueberry plants from deer.

Physical Barriers (Fences, Netting, etc.)

Physical barriers such as fences, netting, and cages are effective ways to protect your blueberry plants from deer. Fencing your blueberry bushes with a sturdy, 7-foot-high fence can prevent deer from reaching your plants. Electric fencing can also be an effective way to keep deer away from your blueberry bushes. Netting around your blueberry plants can also be an effective barrier, but be sure to use a sturdy material that deer cannot easily tear or access. Additionally, cages can be placed around individual plants to prevent deer from eating them.

Repellents (Chemical and Natural)

To prevent deer from getting near your blueberry plants, you can use different types of deer deterrents. Among the most efficient products you can find at nurseries, there are those that contain either garlic oil or putrescent egg solids. These elements produce a potent odor that deer dislike, resulting in them keeping away from the spot.

To naturally repel deer, you can create homemade repellents with ingredients like cayenne pepper and soap. Motion-activated sprinklers that shoot water when deer approach are also effective. Using scent-based repellents like predator urine can help deter deer from your property. Varying the repellent used will prevent the deer from becoming accustomed to a particular scent over time.

Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit a high-pitched noise that is unpleasant to deer (while still inaudible to humans). These devices can be placed throughout your garden and are effective at keeping deer away without harming them. They are solar-powered and relatively low-maintenance.

Plant Selection and Pruning Techniques

One of the easiest ways to protect your blueberry plants from deer is to choose plants that are unpalatable to them. For example, high bush blueberries are less attractive to deer due to their bitter taste and tough texture. Additionally, pruning your plants can make them harder for deer to reach.

A common practice among blueberry growers is to prune the lower branches of the bushes to about 18 inches off the ground. This makes it difficult for deer to reach the berries without standing on their hind legs.Another technique to consider is interplanting your blueberry bushes with other plants that deer are less likely to eat. For example, lavender, rosemary, and thyme are herbs that deer typically avoid.

Why Protect Blueberry Plants from Deer?

As much as deer love blueberries, their feeding habits can cause significant problems for gardeners. Here are some of the reasons why it’s important to protect your blueberry plants from deer.

Damage Deer Can Cause to Crops and Blueberry Plants

Deer can cause significant damage to blueberry plants, especially if they are hungry and searching for food. When deer graze on blueberry plants, they can strip the bark from the stems, damage leaves and fruits, and cause long-term damage to the plant’s growth. In some cases, deer can even kill young blueberry plants by eating their bark, and this can be catastrophic for gardeners.

Financial Implications of Deer Damage

The damage caused by deer to blueberry plants can also have financial implications for gardeners. The cost of replacing damaged blueberry plants can be significant, and the loss of crops and fruits can also reduce the profitability of the garden. By taking steps to protect your blueberry plants from deer, you can avoid these financial losses and enjoy a thriving garden.

Other Considerations

Ethical Considerations when Dealing with Wildlife

It is crucial to not only safeguard your crop of blueberries and other plants from becoming preyed upon by deer but also ponder over the ethical concerns that arise from such actions. Deer have a significant role to play as they help in dispersing seeds and balance the plant community. If they are not present, there will be a decline in biodiversity and seedling germination in the regenerating forests. Therefore, it is vital to strike a balance between protecting crops and preserving the natural ecosystem.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Blueberry Garden

To maintain a healthy blueberry garden, ensure that you plant your bushes in well-draining soil with good sun exposure. It’s also crucial to water your plants regularly, especially during dry spells. Additionally, mulching your plants can help to retain moisture in the soil and prevent weeds from growing. Consider using an organic mulch, such as woodchips or straw, to avoid introducing harmful chemicals into your garden.

Benefits of Protecting Blueberry Plants from Deer

Protecting blueberry plants from deer predation can have several benefits. Firstly, it ensures that you can harvest a healthy crop of blueberries every year, which can be eaten fresh or used in baking and cooking. Secondly, it can prevent damage to your garden and property, which can be costly to repair. Finally, protecting blueberry plants from deer can help to maintain a healthy ecosystem by preserving the natural balance between wildlife and agriculture.


What scent repels deer?

Deer tend to avoid areas where there are certain scents present. Some odors, such as cloves, garlic, and mint, can be effective in deterring deer from your garden. Additionally, the aroma of eggs can also be repulsive to deer. It is important to take advantage of these natural repellents if you want to protect your plants from deer damage.

What fruit is not consumed by deer?

Deer are notorious for gobbling up any fruit tree in their path. However, there are a select few trees that they won’t touch. Some examples include the persimmon, pawpaw, and fig trees. These trees can be planted without worry of deer damage, giving you a better chance at enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Is it necessary to protect my blueberry bushes?

If you’re seeking to cultivate blueberries and enjoy a bountiful crop later on, implementing a cover for protection might be a wise decision. Such a shield can serve to shield your fruits from harm caused by foul weather and avian intruders. However, it’s crucial that you hold off on adding the cover until after the plants have bloomed, as the application prematurely could impede the natural development process of the bushes. See to it that you take proper precautions to ensure that your plants thrive and produce a fruitful harvest.

When to protect blueberry plants?

To protect your blueberry bushes from birds and frost, you’ll need to cover them with netting. But don’t do it too soon! Wait until the bushes have finished blooming to avoid damaging the plants.


So, do deer eat blueberries? The answer is yes, but not as a preferred food source. These creatures are mainly known to eat leaves, grasses, and herbs. However, if they come across a patch of blueberries during their wanderings in the woods, they can’t resist consuming them. Blueberries provide crucial nutrients to deer and serve as an essential part of their diet.

However, if you’re a gardener or a blueberry lover, you may not be thrilled with the idea of deer munching away on your precious plants. As with any wild animal, it’s important to take measures to protect your plants. Consider using fencing, netting, or repellents to keep them away. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your blueberries without having to share them with unwanted visitors.

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