Do Deer Eat Black Walnuts? ANSWERED

As a nature lover and avid deer enthusiast, I often find myself wondering: do deer eat black walnuts? These tough-shelled nuts are not a common choice for deer, but their cover scent properties make them popular among hunters. Join me as we explore the truth behind this intriguing question in the ultimate guide to cracking the nut.

Deer are known for their herbivorous diet, however, black walnuts are not a common choice for them. This is because the tough shells of black walnuts are difficult for deer to crack open, making it less attractive as a food source. Additionally, the pungent smell emitted from black walnut shells acts as a deterrent for deer and other mammals. Nonetheless, black walnuts are recognized for their cover scent properties, which are often utilized by hunters.

Do Deer Eat Black Walnuts?

When it comes to deer’s dietary preferences, it’s natural to question their appetite for black walnuts. Truth be told, deer do not normally feast on these nuts unless they are left with no other choice. One major factor is the difficulty involved in cracking the tough exterior of the nut, which proves rather discouraging to most herbivores.

Besides, the sour smell escaped from black walnuts tends to drive away deer as well as other mammals. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that deer can ravage black walnut trees just as easily as they could any type of tree simply by rubbing against it. This can happen without the deer even showing interest in the nuts themselves.

While deer can’t crack the shell of black walnuts, they will indeed eat the leaves of the tree. For example, the video below shows deer eating black walnuts tree leaves:

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Deer Dietary Habits and Preferences

While deer may not always eat black walnuts, they do have specific preferences for their food. For instance, deer love bur oak acorns, which are second only to red oak acorns. The sight of many deer gathering around oak trees is a common occurrence in fall. This is because deer primarily feed on leaves, twigs, and bark of woody plants, although they also enjoy fruits, nuts, and other crops.

Nutritional Value of Black Walnuts

Although deer may not have much of an appetite for black walnuts, these trees are incredibly important in North America for a variety of different reasons. They offer food and shelter for wildlife, are utilized in numerous ways by humans, and have been traditionally used by indigenous peoples for both dyeing and as a source of drupes. As we look towards the future, black walnuts are an essential component of permaculture systems, offering vital habitat and resources for the continuing survival of countless plant and animal species.

Toxicity of Black Walnuts to Deer

Some people wonder whether black walnuts are toxic to deer. While these nuts are generally safe, deer may not eat them because of their pungent smell. The nuts’ hardness also makes them difficult to crack open, and deer may need to consume them as a last resort.


Which animals are unable to consume black walnuts?

Black walnuts and pecans contain a chemical that can be harmful to certain animals. Ingesting this chemical can cause stomach issues in dogs and horses. It’s important to note that not all animals can safely consume black walnuts.

  • Some animals may be able to eat them without issue, but it’s best to err on the side of caution.
  • If you have pets or livestock, it’s recommended that you do not allow them to consume black walnuts or pecans.
  • Instead, consider harvesting the nuts and enjoying them yourself or using them as an ingredient in recipes.
  • Animals such as squirrels and other rodents may safely consume black walnuts, but again, it’s important to monitor their consumption to ensure they don’t eat too much.

Is it advisable to collect black walnuts?

Collecting black walnuts can be a bit of a hassle, but it’s worth it for their delicious flavor and nutritional benefits. Just make sure to gather them when they’re still green and the shell is easy to crack. Otherwise, you may be dealing with a mess and the potential for molds to form, which can produce toxins that are harmful to pets and livestock.

While they may be a bit of a nuisance when they fall from trees, black walnuts can be a tasty treat that’s packed with nutrients. Just be careful when handling and storing them, as molds can form and cause health issues for pets and horses. If you’re willing to deal with the mess, collecting black walnuts when they’re ripe can be a rewarding experience.

Safe to consume black walnuts from own yard?

It is possible to consume black walnuts found in your yard, but caution must be exercised. Ensure that the outer husk is still green but soft before harvesting, as the nutmeat will be mild and the husk less likely to cause stains. However, note that these nuts may contain juglone, a toxic compound that can cause gastrointestinal distress in horses and dogs. Additionally, black walnuts can be messy and can harbor molds that produce toxins, making them a nuisance if not collected.


So, do deer eat black walnuts? Deer usually don’t eat them because they can’t crack the shell. It’s also important to note that and the pungent smell may deter them from making it their primary food source.

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