As a nature lover and avid deer enthusiast, I’ve often wondered, do deer eat begonias? Gardens can be a sanctuary for both animals and humans, but sometimes our interests collide. If you’re a gardener looking to preserve your garden, keep reading for tips and tricks on how to protect them from these graceful but hungry creatures.
Do Deer Eat Begonias?
Are you worried about deer munching on your beloved begonias? Good news! Begonias aren’t usually high on deer’s long list of preferred snacks. They tend to prefer other varieties of plants, giving gardeners a bit of an advantage. However, it’s important to remember that deer have nuanced and unpredictable tastes and may still make a meal out of your begonias on occasion. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so taking precautions to protect your begonias is always a good idea. But all in all, begonias are a great choice for gardeners who want to minimize the risk of their plants falling victim to deer.
However, As any gardener can tell you, deer can be a frustrating problem when it comes to keeping your plants safe. These gentle giants can quickly eat through your hard work and leave you with a garden full of stubs instead of the beautiful flowers you worked so hard to cultivate.
Deer are known to have a varied diet, and while begonias are not typically at the top of their list, they have been known to consume them from time to time. It is more likely to happen when there is a lack of other food sources. However, it’s important to note that the species of deer in your area and your particular garden’s setup will determine whether deer find begonias appealing.
Are Begonias Deer-Resistant?
While deer may nibble on begonias occasionally, as highlighted by Cornell University, these gorgeous plants are generally considered deer-resistant. When deer are in a hurry or searching for their preferred foods, they tend to avoid begonias.
That being said, it is always a good idea to take precautions to protect your begonias to ensure you keep your garden looking beautiful. There are several different techniques that you can use to keep your begonias and the rest of your garden safe.
Deer Deterrent Techniques
Physical Barriers
One of the most effective ways to keep deer from eating your begonias is through physical barriers. Fencing is an excellent way to keep deer out of your garden, but it can be costly and unattractive. However, if you are willing to spend the money and take the time, the installation of a sturdy fence is a reliable means of keeping your begonias and the rest of your garden safe.
Another option is to use netting or mesh to cover the plants and prevent deer from accessing them. Netting can also protect plants from other animals, such as birds and rodents.
Electric fence: Add a low-voltage electric charge to the fence to deter the deer from touching it.
Double fence: Install two separate fences that are at least 4 feet apart. The deer will be deterred from jumping over both fences.
Another option to consider is the use of deer repellents. These can be purchased or made at home. Repellents are typically sprayed directly onto the foliage of your plants and work by creating an unpleasant taste or smell that deer find unappealing.
Natural repellents include human hair, soap, and garlic. Chemical repellents can include products that contain predator urine, such as coyote or wolf urine. Just remember to regularly reapply these repellents, especially after watering or rain.
Noise-Making Devices
Another technique to deter deer from your begonias is through the use of noise-making devices. This is especially effective if you live in an area where deer are not accustomed to human noises. Simply creating some background noise such as wind chimes or a radio can be enough to make deer skittish and stay away from your garden.
If you don’t want to make noises to not disturb your neighbours, then you can use ultrasonic deterrents. These devices emit a high-pitched noise that humans can’t hear but that deer find highly unpleasant.
Companion Planting
Companion planting is an excellent technique in which you plant certain plants together to achieve a particular outcome. In this case, planting deer-resistant plants like begonias alongside other flowers can help keep deer away from your garden. Some other examples of plants that deer generally avoid include lavender, rosemary, and salvia. By planting these alongside your begonias, you can create a barrier that deer are unlikely to pass through.
Location Choices
One critical planting tip to keep in mind is where you place your begonias. Consider planting your begonias close to your house instead of out in the open field, as this makes it more difficult for deer to access them.
Scarecrows are a classic way to keep bird out of the garden, but they work pretty well on deer too. Using motion-activated sprinklers to add a bit of movement to the garden can be enough to spook the deer and send them running.
Visual Deterrents
Hang shiny objects, such as reflective tape or old CDs, from trees surrounding the garden to confuse the deer’s depth perception.
Dogs are natural predators, and their presence can be a great way to keep deer away from your garden. Even if your dog is just lounging nearby, the scent it leaves behind may be enough to deter deer from approaching your garden.
Human Presence
Deer are naturally skittish animals, and they tend to avoid areas where people are present. Spending more time in your garden can go a long way toward keeping deer away. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy your garden more!
Which animals consume begonia plants?
If you have begonia plants in your garden, be aware that they may be targeted by various wild animals as a source of sustenance. This includes creatures such as deer, rabbits, voles, mice, and squirrels. As prey items, the leaves and flowers of the begonia will prove particularly appetizing to these creatures. Consequently, if you want to ensure the longevity of your begonias, it’s important to implement preventative measures to safeguard them from being eaten by wildlife.
Do begonias appeal to deer’s appetite?
Begonias may be a tempting treat for various animals, including rabbits, squirrels, mice, and voles. However, certain types of begonia plants with fuzzy or waxy/leathery leaves may not be as appealing to deer and could be considered a deer-resistant option.
So, do deer eat begonias? The answer is mostly no. These beautiful, delicate flowers are generally low on a deer’s list of preferred snacks. However, as with all things in life, there are exceptions. A deer may still nibble on a begonia here and there, particularly if it’s extra hungry or has fewer options available.
As a gardener, it’s always wise to take precautions to protect your plants, even if they are not typically on a deer’s radar. There are a variety of strategies you can use, from installing physical barriers to using deer-repellent sprays. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your begonias safe and thriving all summer long.
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