Do Deer Eat Watermelon Rinds? (and Tips to DETER Them)

I’ve always been curious: do deer eat watermelon rinds? As a nature lover and expert on these majestic creatures, I’ve done my research. Here’s what I’ve found, along with tips to deter them from causing damage to your crops.

Do Deer Eat Watermelon Rinds?

Deer have been known to eat watermelon rinds in certain circumstances. The preference of these animals is for sweeter foods, like the fruit of the watermelon. However, if the rinds are too bitter, deer may avoid them. Thus, the extent to which deer consume watermelon rinds will depend on their taste preferences, with sweeter rinds being more likely to be eaten.

Deer are known for not being picky eaters, but when it comes to watermelons, they can’t resist. Watermelon fruit is a delicacy for them, and they can consume an entire fruit in no time. However, their love for watermelons also poses a problem for farmers and homeowners who have watermelon plants in their fields and gardens.

Deer can easily break open the fruit and feed on it, causing significant damage to the crops.The problem is that even less palatable plants can become delicacies overnight when deer can’t find the ones they truly enjoy. Watermelons, even if they are not their favorite food, still fall in an entirely different category. Deer will simply devour the fruit!

– Watermelons in Fields

Crop damage caused by deer is a well-known problem for farmers, and watermelons are particularly vulnerable to their dietary preferences. The delicate fruits are no match for these animals, who can easily break through their tough exterior to enjoy the sweet flesh within.

Even if other plants are available to them, it’s difficult to protect watermelons if the deer are nearby and capable of accessing them. Therefore, preventing deer from getting too close to your watermelon patch is crucial in order to protect your crop from damage.

Ways to Protect Your Garden From Deer

1. Building a High Fence

If you want to protect your watermelon crop from deer, a practical solution is to build a tall fence around it. This can prevent deer from entering your garden and devouring your watermelons. In case you are bound by fencing regulations in your area, you can try growing plants that repel deer nearby to your garden.

2. Deer Repellents, Deer Netting, and Motion Deterrents

To ward off deer from feasting on your watermelon plants, you can employ several methods such as the use of repellents, deer netting, and motion-activated deterrents. These deterrents are technological devices that emit sound, flicker lights, and sprinkle water on the deer when they trespass into your garden.

While it’s difficult to completely keep deer at bay, applying any of these tactics has proven to be remarkably successful in lessening the impact of deer damage on your watermelon yield.

3. Avoid Frequent Fertilizers and Sidetracking Strategies

If you use nitrogen fertilizers, it might entice deer to your garden. To avoid this, only use fertilizers when necessary and with precautionary measures. You can place mesh or netting over the plants to prevent deer from feeding on them. It is also a good idea to plant other appealing plants in various areas of your yard to deflect deer’s attention from your watermelon plants. This will decrease the likelihood of deer feeding on your crops.

4. Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices are effective tools in repelling deer and other nuisance animals from your garden. They work by emitting high-frequency noises that humans can’t hear but are quite uncomfortable for deer. The device can be set to operate at different frequencies to confuse and deter the deer.

Ultrasonic devices are also environmentally friendly and humane, as they do not harm the animals in any way. They come in different models, including battery-powered and solar-powered that can be placed around your garden perimeter. However, they may require replacing batteries or recharging unless they are solar-powered. All in all, ultrasonic devices are a sound investment for any gardener looking to keep pesky deer away from their precious plants.

Nutritional Benefits of Watermelons for Deer

Deer can benefit greatly from snacking on watermelons, as these fruits contain a wealth of essential nutrients that can promote their health and vitality. With high water content, watermelons are an irresistible source of hydration for deer, which is especially important during dry spells.

Watermelon is packed with crucial vitamins and minerals that can help to strengthen the immune system of deer and support their overall well-being. Thus, incorporating watermelon into their diet can offer both a tasty treat and important health benefits for deer in the wild.

Availability and Unfamiliarity with Humans

One of the reasons why deer love watermelons so much is that they are unfamiliar with humans. Watermelon fields are often located in rural areas, and deer are less likely to encounter humans in these regions. Lack of familiarity with humans makes watermelon fields a safe zone for deer to feed without the fear of getting chased away. In addition, deer eat an awful lot, and watermelons can become a delicacy overnight when they cannot find the ones they truly like.


So, do deer eat watermelon rinds? Generally yes. If you’re a watermelon farmer or gardener, preventing deer from feasting on your crop is crucial to your success. Luckily, there are several methods you can use to deter deer and reduce crop damage.

From motion-activated sprinklers to planting deer-resistant crops, there are plenty of strategies to keep your watermelon crop safe and sound. Whether you’re dealing with a small garden or a large farm, experimenting with different techniques can help you find the best way to keep deer at bay. With a bit of trial and error, you’ll be able to enjoy sweet, juicy watermelons all summer long, without worrying about deer eating your rinds!

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