Do Deer Eat Impatiens? Protect Your Garden With These EASY Tips!

Do deer eat impatiens? Many people are asking me this question, so in this blog post, I’ll share my expertise and easy tips on how to protect your garden from deer damage.

Do Deer Eat Impatiens?

Deer are known to readily consume impatiens plants in areas where they are prevalent. If left unprotected, these flowers are at risk of being consumed by the herbivores. Therefore, necessary steps should be taken to safeguard the impatiens if deer are common in your area. This will ensure the survival of the plants and prevent any undue loss of your prized blooms. Protections such as repellent sprays, installing physical barriers or planting deer-resistant alternatives can go a long way in securing your impatiens.

Why Protecting Impatiens from Deer is Important

If you’re a keen gardener, there are no greater pests than deer. Impatiens are a popular garden plant that often falls prey to these voracious grazers. Deer can strip entire plants of their leaves and flowers, leaving nothing behind but bare stems.

Therefore, it’s essential to protect your impatiens if you want to enjoy the beauty of these flowers blooming in your garden.Deer are known for their ability to adapt to different environments, and they have learned to thrive even in urban settings. They can adapt to feed on various garden plants, including impatiens, cherries, hostas, and roses. So, if you have impatiens in your garden, you might want to be proactive in guarding your plants.

What Other Animals Eat Impatiens?

Various critters aside from deer have a taste for impatiens, these include weevils, beetles, slugs, and birds. Impatiens are particularly appetizing to crows, ravens, and jays, which can cause significant harm to unprotected plants. To establish which animals pose a threat to impatiens, it is important to consider preventative measures required.

Prevention Methods to Stop Deer From Eating Impatiens

If you’re interested in protecting your impatiens from deer or other animals, there are several ways you can go about it. Here are some easy tips:

Plant Them Closer To Your Home

One way to protect your impatiens from deer is to plant them closer to your home. Since deer are naturally shy creatures, they tend to avoid areas where human activity is high. This strategy tends to work better for small gardens.

Surround Your Impatiens With Other Plants That Deer Does Not Like

To prevent deer from snacking on your beloved impatiens plants, you can utilize the natural aversion these herbivores have to certain types of flora. Surrounding your impatiens with fragrant blooms like marigolds, poppies, or daffodils may deter deer from chowing down on your precious flowers. Additionally, plants with poisonous properties also tend to be avoided by deer, so incorporating these types of greens around your impatiens may also be effective.

Invest In Noise-Making Objects Like Wind Chimes To Scare Deer Away

Deer are easily spooked, often by loud noises. You can take advantage of this fear by investing in noise-making objects like wind chimes. A few well-placed chimes around your garden can help deter deer from coming near your impatiens.

Use Natural Or Chemical Repellents

There are several natural and chemical repellents you can use to protect your impatiens from deer. Natural solutions include human hair and soap shavings scattered around your plants, and chemical solutions like deer repellent sprays can be very effective.

Physical Barriers

Fencing is another effective way to keep deer out of your garden. You can use electric or traditional fencing, and ensure that it is at least 8 feet tall to keep deer out. Fencing can be expensive, but it is a long-term solution for deer control.

Note that the most effective fences are the ones where the deer can’t see what’s on the other side. This is because deer will not jump the fence if it’s unsure of where it will land.

Ultrasound Devices

Deer are skittish animals and can be deterred by noise. Using ultrasound repellents can be highly effective in keeping deer at bay. The most effective ones can be activated by a motion sensor, so deer will not get used to the constant noise.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers help keep deer out of your garden by spraying them with water when they approach. The surprise factor makes them run away and think twice before returning. This is an environmentally friendly solution that doesn’t harm deer.

Night Time Lighting

Deer are nocturnal animals, and they are less likely to approach well-lit areas. Installing night time lighting in your garden can keep the deer away. Make sure to adjust the lights’ angle, so they don’t shine directly into your neighbors’ homes.

Get A Dog

Having a dog can be a great way to deter deer from your garden. Most dogs will chase after deer, and the deer will avoid your garden in fear of the dog. However, this only works if your dog is outside and your dog is trained not to harm the deer.

Soap Shavings

Another natural option is to use soap shavings around your impatiens. Soap shavings, made from deodorant soap, can also deter deer. Simply keep soap shavings in a small, breathable bag, and hang it from a branch near your impatiens.

Human Hair and Urine

It may sound strange, but putting human hair and urine in your garden can be effective in keeping deer away. The scent of human urine and hair will make deer think that there is another animal nearby, and they will avoid the area.

Deer-Resistant Plants

If all else fails, consider planting deer-resistant alternatives to impatiens. There are many beautiful, deer-resistant annuals that you can grow in your garden, such as petunias, snapdragons, and zinnias. By planting a mix of these resistant plants and impatiens, you can create a beautiful, deer-resistant garden.

Tips For Planting & Cultivating Impatiens

When planting impatiens, choose a site that provides partial to full shade, and prepare the soil with compost or well-rotted manure.

Water your impatiens regularly, but don’t allow them to become waterlogged. Deadhead the plants regularly to encourage more blooms, and fertilize every 2-3 weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.In conclusion, impatiens are a beautiful garden plant that can add color and charm to any outdoor space. Protecting them from deer and other animals requires effort, but it’s worth it. By following these easy tips, you can keep your impatiens safe and thriving all season long.

Tips For Maintaining Impatiens To Reduce Deer Damage

Although deer can be a nuisance for impatiens gardeners, there are a few ways to maintain and protect these beautiful blooms. Consistency in caring for them is key to ensuring they remain healthy and strong, no matter what wildlife encounters them. Here are some tips to maintain impatiens and minimize deer damage:

  1. Keep Them Healthy: Healthy impatiens are less attractive to deer. Prune them regularly, remove dead leaves and flowers, and keep the soil moist. Add a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to keep in moisture and regulate temperature.
  2. Plant Them In Hanging Baskets: There are many benefits to growing impatiens in hanging baskets, and one of them is that it makes it harder for deer to reach them. Hanging baskets can be suspended from tree branches or hooks on a patio roof, which will allow impatiens to grow and bloom safely out of reach of curious wildlife.
  3. Use Deer-Resistant Plants: You can also surround impatiens with deer-resistant plants, which are ones that deer typically do not like to feed on. In this way, you can create a barrier around the impatiens that are attractive to deer. Good options may include marigolds, daffodils, or lavender.
  4. Install Barriers: Installing physical barriers around your impatiens garden is also an effective method to keep deer out. You can surround the area with chicken wire, creating a fence-like structure that keeps out the wildlife. For extra protection, you may also use a motion activated sprinkler that will not only scare deer but will add extra water to your impatiens – a win-win!


Do deer consume hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas are a popular ornamental plant, but gardeners may be concerned about deer grazing on them. It is a common question whether deer are attracted to hydrangeas. Some people believe that deer avoid plants with strong scent, while others argue that deer will eat anything if they are hungry enough. Therefore, it is unclear if hydrangeas are resistant to deer grazing or not. However, there are several ways to protect your hydrangeas, such as using deer repellents, fencing, and selecting deer-resistant plants for your garden.

Which flowers are deer-proof?

Do you want to know which flowers are deer-resistant? It turns out that certain plants, like daffodils, foxgloves, and lavender, are able to repel deer due to their potent scent or unappetizing taste. Therefore, if you’re looking for a flower that deer won’t eat, consider choosing one of these varieties for your garden.

Prevent deer from damaging my hydrangeas?

If you’re struggling with deer eating your hydrangeas, there are a few things you can try to deter them. Firstly, planting other aromatic plants around your hydrangeas may help repel the deer as they dislike strong scents. You can also try using a homemade spray made from natural deterrents like cinnamon, garlic, or peppermint oil. Alternatively, installing a physical barrier around your hydrangeas, such as netting or fencing, can prevent the deer from accessing them in the first place.

What’s devouring my impatiens during nighttime?

If you’ve noticed that your impatiens are being damaged overnight, it’s likely that an animal is responsible for the damage. Possible culprits include rabbits, slugs, snails, or even deer if they are present in your area. Inspect your plants for telltale signs of the culprit, such as bite marks or slime trails. You may need to take steps to protect your impatiens, such as constructing barriers or using natural pest control methods.

Any hydrangea that is resistant to deer?

If you’re looking for a type of hydrangea that won’t draw in deer, you’re in luck! There are specific varieties of hydrangeas that are less attractive to deer due to their texture and fragrance. Look for hydrangeas with tough, leathery leaves, or blooms with a more pungent scent. While no plant can be guaranteed to be completely deer-proof, choosing the right hydrangea can greatly reduce the risk of damage from grazing.

How to make deer repellent for hydrangeas at home?

If you want to keep deer from eating your lovely hydrangeas, you can make a simple potion to deter them. Combine egg yolks, baking soda, and water to create a spray that will make the deer stay away from your plants. You should also know that there are certain plants that deer don’t like the taste or smell of, such as daffodils and lavender. It’s important to be vigilant in protecting your plants, since other pests like mealybugs and spider mites can also damage your flowers, such as impatiens.


So, do deer love impatiens? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. These beautiful flowers are like candy to these hungry herbivores. And if you’re a gardener who takes pride in their impatiens, you know just how devastating it can be to lose them to a group of grazing deer. But fear not, there are easy steps you can take to protect your garden and keep those impatiens thriving.

From repellent sprays to physical barriers to planting alternative deer-resistant options, you have plenty of tools at your disposal. Just remember to take action before it’s too late. With a little bit of work, you can enjoy your impatiens all season long without worrying about them becoming a deer’s next meal.

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