Do Deer Eat Daisies? (and How To Deer-Proof Your Garden)

I often get asked: do deer eat daisies? After some research, here’s what I’ve discovered.

Do Deer Eat Daisies?

Daisies are typically not a primary food source for deer. While some variations of daisies may be less appealing to deer than others, they are generally considered to be deer resistant plants. Therefore, it is rare to see deer actively feeding on daisies in their natural habitat. Instead, deer prefer to graze on grasses, leaves, and other types of vegetation that provide them with the necessary nutrients and energy to survive.

Characteristics of Deer-Resistant Plants and Flowers

If you are looking to start a garden that is safe from deer damage, it’s important to understand the characteristics of plants that deer find unappealing. Generally speaking, deer-resistant plants share common traits that include:

Poisonous Plants

Plants that are toxic to animals are highly unattractive to deer. These plants typically contain toxins that either taste bitter or cause physical discomfort to the deer. Examples of deer-resistant plants that are toxic to deer include daffodils, foxglove, and monkshood.

Fragrant Foliage

Plants that have a strong aroma are also typically resistant to deer. The fragrant scent of certain plants can be overwhelming to deer and can cause them to avoid the area altogether. Examples of deer-resistant plants that have fragrant foliage include lavender, sage, and thyme.

Thick or Succulent Foliage

Deer tend to avoid plants that have thick, leathery, or succulent foliage. These types of plants are usually not as nutritious to deer and can be difficult to digest. Examples of deer-resistant plants with thick foliage include holly, boxwood, and yucca.

Fuzzy, Prickly, or Fine Foliage

Plants with fuzzy, prickly, or fine foliage are less appealing to deer because they can be difficult for deer to digest or cause physical discomfort. Examples of deer-resistant plants with fuzzy foliage include lamb’s ear, yarrow, and silver sage.

No Plant is Completely Deer-Proof

Despite these characteristics, it’s important to note that there is no plant that is entirely deer-proof. While some plants may be less attractive to deer than others, deer are known to adapt their eating habits based on food availability and seasonality. Therefore, the key to a successful deer-resistant garden is to have a diverse selection of plants that balance these characteristics.

Top Deer-Resistant Perennial Flowers

If you’re looking for some deer-resistant flowers to add color to your garden, here are some top options:

  1. Allium
  2. Bearded Iris
  3. Black Eyed Susan
  4. Bleeding Heart
  5. Brunnera
  6. Coreopsis
  7. Peony
  8. Russian Sage
  9. Sedum
  10. Yarrow

Top Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants

If you’re looking for deer-resistant perennial plants to add structure to your garden, here are some top options:

  1. Boxwood
  2. Holly
  3. Juniper
  4. Yucca
  5. Siberian Iris
  6. Ligularia
  7. Ornamental Grasses
  8. Siberian Bugloss
  9. Hellebore
  10. Geranium

By focusing on these characteristics and selecting the right plants, you can create a beautiful, deer-resistant garden that adds value to your home and community.

Preventing Deer Damage

If you’re growing a beautiful garden or landscape, it’s essential to protect it from deer damage. While it’s true that deer can be fascinating creatures to observe, they can wreak havoc on your carefully cultivated plants. Fortunately, there are several effective methods for preventing deer damage that don’t involve harming these majestic animals.

Physical Barriers

Physical barriers can be an effective way to keep deer away from your garden plants. Fences are the most common form of a physical barrier, and they come in many different styles and heights. To be effective, a fence should be at least six feet tall because deer have the ability to jump higher than you might think. However, fences can be costly and unsightly, so some people opt for more aesthetic options like hedgerows, plant barriers, and gravel trenches.

Another effective physical barrier is deer netting. It’s lightweight and easy to install, making it an excellent option for small garden beds. It is also reusable and can be easily removed when the plants are no longer attractive to deer. A word of caution: when using any physical barrier, be sure to create a double barrier that keeps deer at least six feet away from your plants.


Repellents can also be a great option for keeping deer away from your garden plants. There are two types of repellents: contact and area. Contact repellents work by creating an unpleasant taste or odor on the plants that deer find undigestible. These repellents are applied directly to the plants and will need to be reapplied after a rain.

Area repellents work by creating an unpleasant scent or taste around the perimeter of your garden. Most area repellents work by using a combination of predator urine, garlic, and similar ingredients. These repellents can be sprayed or spread around the plants and will need to be reapplied periodically, especially after it rains.

Ultrasonic Repellents

Are you tired of deer feasting on your garden? Ultrasonic repellents may be the solution for you. These devices emit high pitched sound frequencies that repel deer from your garden. They are easy to install and work silently, so they won’t distract you from the tranquility of your garden. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of ultrasonic repellents can vary depending on the specific model and the terrain of your property.

Motion Activated Sprinklers

Are you looking for a more fun and dramatic way to keep deer out of your garden? Consider motion activated sprinklers. These sprinklers use infrared sensors to detect movement and startle deer with a sudden burst of water. Not only are they effective in keeping deer away from your plants, but they also provide a comedic element to your garden. Just make sure to turn them off when you’re tending to your garden, or you might end up getting sprayed yourself.

Coexisting with Wildlife

While it’s essential to protect your garden and landscape from deer damage, it’s equally important to learn how to coexist with these beautiful animals. Deer are an integral part of the ecosystem, and they provide many benefits to other animals and the environment. However, they also carry ticks and other diseases that can be dangerous to humans and pets.

To coexist with deer, you can take steps to make your property less attractive to them. These steps include planting deer-resistant plants, removing fallen fruit and other food sources, and avoiding the use of fertilizers and other chemicals that can make your plants more attractive to deer. Additionally, be sure to keep your pets on a leash when walking them outside, and try to avoid tick-infested areas.

In conclusion, while deer damage can be frustrating and costly, there are many tools and techniques available to protect your plants without harming these beautiful animals. By taking steps to prevent deer damage and learning how to coexist with wildlife, you can enjoy a thriving, beautiful garden while also helping to support a healthy ecosystem.


Can vinegar keep deer away?

Many natural scents and plants can help to deter deer from gardens and yards. Some of these include vinegar, soap, hot peppers, garlic, and fragrant flowers such as lavender, peonies, and bearded irises. However, it’s important to note that not all scents and plants will work for every situation.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to deterring deer, vinegar may be effective in some cases. Other scents and plants that may repel deer include wolf urine, fabric softener strips, and mint. Ultimately, the best way to deter deer will depend on factors such as the specific deer population in the area, the size of the garden or yard, and the types of plants being grown.

How to repel deer?

If you want to keep deer away, you can use strong scents like vinegar, soap, or garlic to deter them. Certain flowers and plants like foxgloves, lavender, and peonies are also avoided by deer. On the other hand, if you use scents like mint or wolf urine, it may attract deer, so avoid using those.

What scents repel deer?

To ward off deer, homeowners may employ tactics like using powerful fragrances such as vinegar or soap, and planting scented varieties like sages or lavender. Other effective methods include laying out fabric softener sheets or spraying a spicy pepper spray. Additionally, certain plants like foxgloves or bearded irises have been found to be less appealing to deer. Alternatively, smells like cloves, eggs, and garlic, as well as the scent of predator urine, may also deter these animals.

Which plants are disliked by deer the most?

Deer tend to avoid certain plants due to their strong scents. Daffodils, foxgloves, and poppies are among the plants that are often disliked by deer. Fragrant plants like sages, salvias, lavender, peonies, and bearded irises also tend to be avoided. It’s important to note that deer may develop a tolerance to the scent of certain plants over time, so it’s recommended to use a combination of strategies to deter them from your garden.


Have you been wondering if deer eat daisies? The answer is no, they don’t prefer them. If you have daisies in your garden, and still see signs of deer, you can incorporate other deer-resistant plants to your landscape design. There are more options to keep your garden thriving despite deer activity.

Get inspired by the many deer-resistant perennial plants available, from lavender to yarrow to peonies. With a little creativity, you can design a beautiful and functional garden that won’t become a snack for pesky deer. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different plants to find your perfect combination. Enjoy a stunning outdoor space that lasts all year long without worrying about deer damaging your precious plants.

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