Do Deer Devour Coral Bells? An Expert’s Guide to Deer-Resistant Alternatives!

As a passionate nature lover, I have always been curious about the eating habits of deer. One question that often comes up is, “Do deer eat coral bells?”

Deer typically do not consume coral bells, a type of perennial plant. However, if they happen to eat the leaves, they may also eat the non-toxic flowers. Both the leaves and flowers of coral bells are safe for consumption by deer. It is important to note that while deer may not be attracted to coral bells, they can still pose a threat to other plants in a garden or landscape. Installing deer-resistant plants or using fencing can be effective methods for keeping deer away.

Do Deer Eat Coral Bells?

Coral bells are a common perennial plant that belongs to the genus Heuchera. They are known for their vibrant colors and great texture, which make them popular among gardeners. Moreover, they are considered deer-resistant, which means that they are not easily consumed by deer. However, as with most deer-resistant plants, there is no 100% guarantee that deer will not browse on them. If they are hungry enough and if food options are limited, deer could potentially consume coral bells.

Deer have an omnivorous diet that includes grass, flowers, leaves, acorns, berries, mushrooms, and even insects. They are known for their feeding habits on plants and are notorious for damaging the plant foliage. Deer browsing is a common problem for gardeners and farmers, especially during the winter months when food is scarce. In some cases, they may even damage the bark of trees and shrubs, leading to more severe problems.

What Animals Will Eat Coral Bells?

Aside from deer, other animals that may feed on coral bells include rabbits and porcupines. Rabbits can be a nuisance, especially during the spring months when they are often searching for new plant growth. Porcupines are another herbivore that may feed on coral bells. They are known for their love for bark, but in the absence of a preferred food source, porcupines can also feed on the leaves and flowers of plants.

Are Coral Bells Deer Resistant?

Yes, coral bells are considered deer-resistant, which means they are less likely to be eaten by deer compared to other plants. Coral bells are not preferred by deer, so they will usually go for other plants before they consider coral bells. However, it’s still important to be vigilant and take precautions to protect your plants to ensure that they remain healthy and happy for years to come.

Do Coral Bells Attract Deer?

No, coral bells do not attract deer. They are not a preferred food source for deer, and they do not have a strong scent or aroma that would attract deer. Planting deer-resistant plants like coral bells is a great way to deter deer from entering your garden or property and searching for food.

Wildberry Coral Bells & Deer Resistance

Wildberry coral bells are a popular hybrid variety of coral bells. They have reddish-purple leaves and are considered deer-resistant. They are an excellent choice for all seasons because they keep their color consistent throughout the year. Wildberry coral bells are a great alternative to other plants that are attractive to deer, and they add a pop of color to any garden or landscape.

How to Keep Deer Away From Coral Bells

  • Use tall fences and gates to prevent deer from entering your garden.
  • To cultivate coral bells safely from deer, choose a sheltered location to plant them. Deer usually prey on vulnerable plants, so if the coral bells prove difficult to reach, these animals will likely leave them alone.
  • Grow plants that deer hate close to fences and edges of your garden. This will help to deter deer from entering your garden in the first place.

Are Coral Bells Rabbit Resistant?

Yes, coral bells are rabbit-resistant. They are not a preferred food source for rabbits, so they are less likely to be eaten by them. However, if food options are limited, rabbits may potentially consume coral bells.

How to Protect Coral Bells from Rabbits

  • Use a rabbit repellent spray around your coral bells to keep rabbits away.
  • Plant garlic, onions, or herbs like rosemary and sage around your coral bells. Rabbits dislike the odors of these plants and will avoid them.
  • Install a fence or netting around your coral bells to prevent rabbits from entering your garden.

Do Slugs Eat Coral Bells?

Slugs are not known to eat coral bells. However, slugs can still be a problem for coral bells, as they may cause leaf damage and create holes in the leaves. If you notice slug damage on your coral bells, you can use a slug bait or a copper strip around the plant to deter them.

Will Coral Bells Recover After Deer Eat Them?

Coral Bells are recognized for their self-sufficient nature and speedy regrowth. In the event that deer graze on your coral bells, the plant has the ability to bounce back without much intervention, given that a sufficient amount of foliage remains. By simply observing the emergence of fresh growth in the spring, one can attest to the plant’s vitality and robustness.

If the deer eat the plant during the winter, it may not recover in the same growing season. But don’t lose hope! You can still help the plant by providing it with extra care by watering it according to its needs and making sure it gets enough sunlight. Also, avoid trimming back foliage before the plant has fully recovered. By doing this, you can encourage the plant’s growth and help it reach its full potential in the following growing season.

Using Deer Repellents for Protection

If you’re sick of witnessing deer feast on your vegetation, it’s worth considering implementing deer deterrents. Numerous alternatives exist, encompassing sprays, granules, and electronic gadgets that discharge high-pitched sounds or lights. Additionally, certain plants possess the ability to operate as organic repellents. For instance, planting lavender has proven an effective mechanism of deterring deer, keeping them at bay from attacking other plants.

It’s important to keep in mind that repellents may not always work, and the effectiveness may vary depending on the location and season. However, repellents can be a good starting point for protecting your garden from deer. Remember to always follow instructions and avoid using any products that may harm your plants or wildlife.

17 Deer-Resistant Perennials

  1. Salvia
  2. Lamium
  3. Yarrow
  4. Spurge
  5. Black-eyed Susan
  6. Lupine
  7. Catmint
  8. Coneflower
  9. Coreopsis
  10. Stonecrop
  11. Monkshood
  12. Peony
  13. Blazing Star
  14. Verbena
  15. Cheddar Pink
  16. Russian Sage
  17. Penstemon

The plants on this list are known to be deer-resistant, but keep in mind that no plant is entirely deer-proof. However, planting these varieties can reduce the chances of deer damaging your garden.

Alternative Deer-Resistant Plants

Aside from the 17 perennials listed above, there are several other deer-resistant plants that you can consider planting, such as:

  • Bleeding Heart
  • Fuchsia
  • Foamflower
  • Lungwort
  • Hosta
  • Bee Balm

These plants not only resist browsing by deer, but they also add diversity and beauty to any garden.

In conclusion, there are a variety of ways to protect your coral bells and garden from deer. Using repellents, planting natural repellents such as lavender, and planting deer-resistant perennials and plants can help you create a beautiful garden without worrying about deer damage.


So, do deer eat coral bells? While it’s not their preferred snack, they may still nibble on the leaves or flowers if other food sources are scarce. But don’t fret! There are plenty of deer-resistant plants and fencing options that can keep your garden safe from these hungry creatures.

From fragrant lavender to colorful coneflowers, there are many beautiful alternatives to coral bells that will not only add visual interest to your landscape but also keep those pesky deer at bay. So get creative and experiment with new plant combinations to create a garden that is both beautiful and deer-resistant!

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