Do Deer Eat Calla Lilies? 10 Ways to PROTECT Your Garden

As someone who is passionate about learning everything about deer and a nature lover, I have always been curious about whether or not deer eat calla lilies. After doing some research, I discovered that the answer is yes, deer do eat calla lilies. But don’t worry, in this post, I will share with you ways to protect your garden from wildlife in 2023 and ensure your calla lilies stay safe.

Yes, deer have been known to eat calla lilies, although they are not their preferred food. Deer will only consume calla lilies when other food sources are scarce. It is important to note that while calla lilies may not be a favorite of deer, it is still recommended to protect them with a fence to ensure they are not completely devoured.

Do Deer Eat Calla Lilies?

Calla lilies may not be the first choice for deer when it comes to food, but these pests will still gobble them up if there are not many other options available. To keep your calla lilies safe from the destruction caused by deer, it is essential to install a fence around them.

Do you want to keep your flowers safe from deer? Fear not, because there is a way to coexist with them in your garden. Understanding their feeding habits and choosing plants that are less attractive to deer will ensure a beautiful and thriving garden. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the company of wildlife without sacrificing your beloved plants.

How To Choose Deer-Resistant Flowers and Bulbs

When it comes to selecting deer-resistant flowers and bulbs, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, it is best to opt for plants with thick, leathery, or succulent foliage. These types of plants are not in the deer‘s preferred food choices and are less likely to be eaten. Secondly, other plants to consider are ones with fuzzy, prickly, or fine foliage. These plants tend to be less appealing to deer and, therefore, less likely to be browsed on.

Factors that Make Plants Less Favored by Deer

Deer have particular preferences when it comes to plants, and there are certain factors that can make plants less favored by deer. For example, deer tend to stay away from plants with fragrant foliage. Deer also dislike plants with a bitter taste, ones that produce light-colored blooms, and those with a high sap content.

List of Deer-Resistant Plants

If you are looking for plants that are deer-resistant, then there are many options available. Some of our favorites include Catmint, Lavender, Russian Sage, Daffodils and Alliums. These plants not only add beauty to your landscape, but they are also safe from deer browsing.

Plants That Have Fragrant Foliage

Plants with fragrant foliage are an excellent choice for those looking to keep deer away from their garden. Some of our top picks include Peonies, Salvia, and Bee Balm.

Plants with Thick or Succulent Foliage

Plants with thick or succulent foliage are another great option for those looking to protect their garden from deer. Some plants in this category include Hellebores, Hostas, and Bleeding Hearts.

Plants That Have Fuzzy, Prickly or Fine Foliage

Plants with fuzzy, prickly or fine foliage are also less appealing to deer and are therefore less likely to be eaten. Some of our favorites in this category are Geraniums, Lamb’s Ear, and Cacti.

Calla Lilies and Deer: Protecting Calla Lilies from Deer

Although calla lilies are not on deer‘s preferred food list, it’s still crucial to protect them by fencing them off. By doing so, you can enjoy their blossoms without worrying about deer damage. With proper plant selection, planning and protective measures, you can maintain a beautiful garden while coexisting with deer.

1. Install a Fence

One of the most effective methods to keep deer out of your garden is to install a fence. A fence at least 8 ft high can effectively deter deer. A solid fence is preferred, as opposed to a picket or chain-link fence, and should extend at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent deer from digging underneath. However, be sure to check with your local laws regarding fence height restrictions.

  • Pros: Fences deter deer effectively.
  • Cons: Fences can be expensive to install and require maintenance.

2. Use Deer-Resistant Plants

Some plants are naturally deer-resistant. Planting these in your garden can help deter deer from munching on your flowers and vegetables. Such plants include daffodils, marigolds, lavender, and sage. Before planting, check with your local nursery or gardening center for advice on which plants are best suited for your area.

  • Pros: Deer-resistant plants can help deter deer naturally and are low maintenance.
  • Cons: There is no guarantee that deer will not eat all plants.

3. Use Deterrent Sprays and Repellents

Deterrent sprays and repellents can be sprayed on plants or around garden areas and emit smells that deer do not like. Some popular deer repellents include mothballs, garlic sprays, and predator urine. However, these sprays and repellents need to be reapplied regularly and may not work in all situations.

  • Pros: Deterrent sprays and repellents are cost-effective and can work well in some situations.
  • Cons: Deterrent sprays and repellents need to be reapplied regularly and may not work in all situations. They may also have a strong odor.

4. Use Noise-Makers and Lights

Deer are highly sensitive to noise and light. Installing motion-activated lights or using noisemakers, such as wind chimes, can help to deter deer from entering your garden. Noise-makers and lights are often used in combination with other deer deterrent methods.

  • Pros: Noise-makers and lights are a low-cost solution that can be effective in some situations.
  • Cons: Noise-makers and lights may not work in all situations and can be a nuisance to neighbors.

5. Use Netting or Covers

Netting or covers can be used to protect individual plants or an entire garden. Netting can be placed over a garden bed like a tent, or individual plants can be wrapped in mesh. However, be sure to secure the netting or covers to prevent deer from getting underneath.

  • Pros: Netting and covers work well to protect individual plants or an entire garden.
  • Cons: Netting and covers can be difficult to install and may not work in all situations.

6. Eliminate Possible Food Sources

Deer are attracted to your garden because it provides them with food. Removing any possible food sources from your garden, such as bird feeders and fallen fruit, can help deter deer. Also, avoid planting their favorite plants- roses, hostas, and tulips.

  • Pros: Eliminating food sources is a free, easy solution that can help reduce deer in your garden.
  • Cons: It may be difficult or impossible to eliminate all possible food sources, and they may return if there is not enough food elsewhere.

7. Dog House and Bone Meal

Creating a dog house around the perimeter of your garden is a simple way to deter deer from entering. Another trick is to sprinkle bone meal onto the foliage. Deer associate it with predator activity and stay clear of areas where it is found.

  • Pros: Dogs are good at deterring deer. Bone meal is known to work in some instances.
  • Cons: Dogs may cause more damage to the garden than deer. Bowel movements around the garden limit where you can sit in your garden.

8. Plant a Border

Planting a border of tall, thick plants around the perimeter of your garden can help to deter deer. This acts as a barrier, making it harder for the deer to enter your garden. Holly or evergreen bushes are great options for this.

  • Pros: A border garden is a natural and attractive way to deter deer. Holly and evergreen bushes are low maintenance.
  • Cons: The width of the border garden may be too narrow to deter deer effectively.

9. Use Oscillating Sprinklers

Oscillating sprinklers installed in your garden can help deter deer. Not only are sprinklers beneficial in keeping your plants hydrated, but they can be an effective deterrent to pesky deer. When triggered, they spritz water randomly, thereby preventing deer from entering your mostly dry garden.

  • Pros: Oscillating sprinklers are natural, effective, and are low maintenance. They keep your plants hydrated while keeping the deer out.
  • Cons: Potential overwatering which may become uncontrollable and difficult to manage.

10. Combine Methods

Combining a few methods like a fence and deer-resistant plants, netting and deterrent sprays or a noise-maker plus lights can increase the chances of effectively deterring deer from your garden. This approach has proven effective as deer grow accustomed to one method and combining a few can keep them guessing and deter them from coming to your garden.

  • Pros: Combining methods is more effective, as different methods target different senses in deer.
  • Cons: Combining methods can be costly.


What could be causing the damage to my calla lilies?

If you’ve noticed signs of damage to your calla lilies, the likely culprit is a little critter that loves to feed on plants. This pest prefers calla lilies and is fond of eating their foliage, flowers, and buds. Keep an eye out for holes in the leaves and yellowing foliage, as these are tell-tale signs that your calla lilies are under attack.

How to prevent bugs from harming my calla lilies?

To prevent bugs from feasting on your calla lilies, it’s important to implement effective pest control methods. You can use insecticides such as pyrethrins, pyrethroids, or imidacloprid to kill and repel pests. It’s also crucial to keep animals like squirrels, chipmunks, voles, deer, and rabbits away from the plants as they can damage or consume them. Consider using physical barriers such as fences or netting to prevent access to the plants. With proper pest control and animal deterrence, your calla lilies can thrive and flourish.

How can I eliminate bugs from my calla lilies?

To remove pests from your calla lilies, you can opt for different approaches. One possibility is to utilize chemical solutions like pyrethrins or imidacloprid to eradicate the infestations of insects. Moreover, you may consider constructing barriers that prevent animals, like rabbits and deer from accessing the plants, which limits the damage done through nibbling.


Well, now we know the answer to the burning question on every gardener’s mind: do deer eat calla lilies? The answer is that even if those are not one of deer’s favourites, yes, they can eat them! But fret not, fellow green thumbs, for there are ways to protect your precious blooms from these pesky wildlife.

So, put on your thinking caps and get creative with your gardening solutions, whether it’s building a fence or using deer repellent sprays. And who knows, you might even come up with a beautiful and functional way of safeguarding your garden from these four-legged creatures. Happy gardening!

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